Democracy is the best form of government for there is respect for man, his dignity, rights, freedom as created in God's image. And fear of God is maintained.
Cristian FRANCU * 4 years ago
Democracy is a continuous experiment! => We need and must UPGRADE DEMOCRACY!
>> yoU need and must join Us to Upgrade Democracy!
That is HOW yoU Upgrade the Power of yoU!
Nick Woodbridge * 4 years ago
Democracy IS still the best form of government! Democracy may have it's problems: Poor economic performance, Populism, Manipulation of the voters, The Dictatorship of the majority, The Mess and Chaos of political fighting.
Some NONdemocracies may hav...
Majoritas Academy * 4 years ago
Salim Ismail said in an interview during last year @ the #UDemocracySummit:
"The one thing I would change in Democracy today would be that if you want to vote you have to take a little test in civics, to prove that you are actually qualified to vote...
Democracy is great when the people/citizens voting are well informed and somehow educated!
Can you imagine the disaster if the majority of the voters would be uneducated, uninformed and misinformed people (those who believe any conspiracy theory and...