HOW can we Upgrade Democracy together?

We can not let Democracy Fail.

It may be too soon or too dramatic to talk about the failure of democracy, but it is obvious that democracy is facing a lot of challenges and will face new challenges in a disrupted world after the 4th Industrial Revolution.


As individuals – not so much!

Together we can influence and change a lot! 

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How can we Upgrade Democracy together?

■ We challenge YOU to UpgradeDemocracy = UDemocracy

Written by Cristian F.
#Democracy means so much for us - #freedom (to choose, to vote, to speak, to act), #communication and #collaboration (private initiatives and projects, ideas and dreams transformed into reality). => We are used with DEMOCRACY (it seems we take it 'b...
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Written by Cezar B.
Upgrading democracy at the begining of the 21st century is about learning from the past centuries lessons (State vs. citizen vs. State) in order to adress the future paradigm - containg/deterring the stakeholders behind the most powerful technologies...
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