Recommend a great Political Campaign Manager

Campaign Managers you've worked with and you would definitely recommend for a winning electoral campaign

Running a political campaign and winning elections is not easy!

A political campaign operation must be built and managed: communication platforms & technologies must be implemented and used properly, digital adds must be targeted, volunteers must be recruited, events must be held, doors must be knocked on, funds must be raised and polls must be conducted.

A Campaign Manager is a dedicated "more than full time" employee who runs the day-to-day aspects of your campaign. This person works on only one political campaign at a time, devoting all of their time and energy to getting you in the day of the vote with good results.

Professional and experienced Campaign Managers are hard to find. And it's hard to find one that is available for the whole time your campaign need to be prepared and managed

That's why we need your Recommendations for POLITICAL CAMPAIGN MANAGERS: for the interested Politicians, Political Parties & Campaign Teams around the World.

Written by Majoritas A.
Here is BRAD PASCALE talking about Donald Trump's re-election strategy. DO you think TRUMP will get re-elected? And Brad Pascale will be (again) the Campaign Manager of the year?!
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Written by Cezar B.
the correct answer is Brad Parscale! 😁
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