Recommend an aspiring young Politician!

The UDemocracy Community identifies aspiring young politicians around the world - young candidates that could use our platform (to gain access to information and political education) and could need a good consultant and some good digital communication tools, to push them to the next level.

Recommend us a young politician you believe in. We search for ambitious politicians, at the beginning of their political career, who deserves to be known, helped and supported to become the best version of themselves.

Recommend to the Community a Promising Politician who will be able to communicate well with the people, not only to win the trust of the voters but to fulfill the electoral promises and to perform at the highest possible level in the role and function for which he or she is running for and will be elected.


Please write the NAME of the recommended politician + all the necessary DETAILS (Country, Party membership, Short Bio, Main Interests, Social Media & Online Presence) in the COMMENT Section (on the right if you are on desktop OR below if you are on mobile)

And you may go to the Say You Opinion section to write a message about the Politician you recommend: You will be able to add a video and/or an image and people will be able to Vote&Comment on your recommendation message!

Thank you very much!


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